Ready to Move Homes
andCustom Homes
Quality Standards with a vast range of designs & details
25 years of building experience
in the housing industry, the people of Pinnacle Builders Ltd. are committed to offering personalized customer service, ensuring you receive the home you imagine, desire, and love for years to come.About Us
of every home we build.With a “hands-on” and an experienced team of building professionals, we stand by the philosophy that every homeowner deserves personalized attention. We have earned a reputation as one of the finest custom home builders in Western Canada!
Building homes that exceed the highest standards for quality is what we call the “Pinnacle Builder Difference.” By carefully hand-selecting contractors, procuring the finest construction materials and continually monitoring every last detail from beginning to end, Pinnacle Builders is able to ensure its home buyers’ satisfaction by delivering a finished product that is second-to-none. In every Pinnacle home, past, present, and future, families discover an unsurpassed commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. At Pinnacle Builders, the customer’s personal needs and satisfaction go ahead of the price.

Check out our newest show-homes for sale this year!

Check out our customer rated top home plans for 2022!

Custom Homes
Not all homes are built the way each person envisioned. What works for one doesn’t work for all. We encourage you to show us your dream home plans or modifications so that we can get started on your forever home faster!